Rabu, 01 November 2017
Food Review
"Tamarind vegetable soup"
Sayur asem is sour food, typical Indonesian food especially javanese food, I am sure all must know with the name of this one food. This dish is still resembling tom yam, which is Thai cuisine, although more acid vegetables use vegetables than seafood.Sayur asem is very popular in Indonesia, the materials used are usually easy to find materials in traditional markets because the materials used are also not difficult, its ingredients as follows corn, potatoes, leaves melinjo, long beans, peanuts and sour sugar as the main ingredient.Sour acid is very easy to make because how to cook it is not difficult and fast.
The taste of this vegetable dish is sweet and sour so it can refresh the body and is very good for health.Because only using tamarind as a spice, of course, the taste that results in tasting sour but has a fresh taste. then called the vegetables as vegetables asem, which until now became the favorite menu of most people of Indonesia.According to the story Sayur asem originally from the sunda or west java.sebagai cuisine is quite populist, sour vegetables are some vegetables that in the beginning of the creation of Indonesia when the country is in a state of limitations, therefore the seasoning is limited to using only tamarind and chili, the contents of vegetables are all kinds of vegetables are irregular.
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