Minggu, 05 November 2017

Best Friend


For me friends are people who have known us deeper both in personality, habits, and lain.Teman good that is always there near us not just friends who sometimes come if there wants and go arbitrarily.
I have a close friend named Monika Pebriyanti I have known him for a long time, and he knows my good and bad habits. I think he is the friend who best understands my situation, and I like to be friends with him because he is always there for me , want to hear the outpouring of my heart but there is something I do not like from him that he is very timely and slow person. but I understand him because every human being does have shortcomings, since my college and he split up and have rarely meet.

During college I have new friends and I feel comfortable near them, his name is ayu, rosi, ria, yessi, devi, and seselia.
Even though you are different territory but we are one faith and I have considered family.
Rosi was the first friend I knew on the first day of college, she was neutral and somewhat grown-up, and I think she was the friend I admired most of the others.
But besides that there is a thing that I do not like from him that is when he is angry his expression changed, so I know he is angry or not. His wood humorous and voiced loud and too expressive and his voice is very loud once. Yessi people are easy emotions but easy to travel, Ria people are very relaxed and I think he is a hard worker, but he is also a person who is not right with his own words.

And the other friends I found in college were Nindi, Ratih, Gitry, Desy, Riska, Septi, they were friends whom I regarded as families even though we differed in their own religion, and they looked gangs but that was not the case I like to join them, they are also the best friends I have ever met and it is hard to prove when we visited Mempawah in just a few hours, and it was the first time I traveled without any preparation.And glad to meet you, hopefully our friendship is not for a moment but for ever. stay be my best friend.

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