mata panda atau dikenal juga dengan sebutan kantung mata yang hitam dan besar pastinya akan membuat penampilan kita terasa kurang menarik, apalagi jika kamu adalah wanita. Mata panda sebenarnya bukanlah masalah kesehatan yang serius dan membahayakan. Namun adanya kantung mata bisa menjadi pertanda bahwa tubuh kekurangan waktu istirahat yang dapat menyebabkan masalah pada tubuh, misalnya kamu akan merasa lebih mudah lelah, bisa jadi pertanda tekanan darah rendah. Walaupun sudah banyak yang pernah mengalami mata panda, namun masih jarang yang menerapkan tips menghilangkan kantung mata secara cepat. Biasanya banyak yang hanya membiarkan, toh nanti juga hilang sendiri. Dan biasanya banyak wanita menggunakan make up untuk menyamarkan mata panda.
panda eyes or also known as bags of black and large eyes will certainly make our appearance feels less attractive, especially if you are a woman. Panda's eye is not really a serious and dangerous health problem. However, the bags under the eyes can be a sign that the body is deprived of rest time can cause problems in the body, for example, you will feel more fatigue, can be a sign of low blood pressure. Although many have experienced panda eyes, but still rarely apply tips to remove eye bags quickly. Usually many who just let, anyway also lost itself. And usually many women use makeup to disguise panda eyes.buhttps://m.youtube.com/watch?v=B_0qxArlNCA
Selasa, 24 Oktober 2017
Senin, 23 Oktober 2017
Three Levels of Goverment
Question 1
A. people trained to maintain the safe, orderly, and expeditious flow of air traffic in the global air traffic control system.
A.an official in charge of a goverment department.
A.members of senate
A.to blindly trust a person or a group of people.
B.a share or a right in the ownership of a property in a commercial of financial undertaking.
Answer 2
Answer 3
1.local goverment, state goverment, federal goverment.
2.task of a mayor and city council members are the laws affect the city and the people who live there.
3.two issues protected by the state department is the health and safety of state citizens
4.-head of state :president
-head of goverment :prime minister
5.ffederal goverment can do 3 thing are can print money, can negotiate with other countries and can declare war on another country.
Answer of group work
1.the arrangement Indonesia goverment:
-central government
-provincial government
-city government
-district government
-village government
2.the number of states owned by the united states as many 50 states. among ather are:
2. Alaska
3. Arizona
4. Arkansas
5. California
6. Colorado
7. Connecticut
8. Delaware
9. Florida
10. Georgia
11. Hawai`i
12. Idaho
13. Illinois
14. Indiana
15. Iowa
16. Kansas
17. Kentucky *
18. Louisiana
19. Maine
20. Maryland
21. Massachusetts *
22. Michigan
23. Minnesota
24. Mississippi
25. Missouri
26. Montana
27. Nebraska
28. Nevada
29. New Hampshire
30. New Jersey
31. New Mexico
32. New York
33. North Carolina (Carolina Utara)
34. North Dakota (Dakota Utara)
35. Ohio
36. Oklahoma
37. Oregon
38. Pennsylvania *
39. Rhode Island
40. South Carolina (Carolina Selatan)
41. South Dakota (Dakota Selatan)
42. Tennessee
43. Texas
44. Utah
45. Vermont
46. Virginia *
47. Washington
48. West Virginia (Virginia Barat)
49. Wisconsin
50. Wyoming
3.the number of province owned by the indonesian with the capital city.
Provinsi Nanggro Aceh Darussalam dengan ibukotanya Kota Banda AcehProvinsi Sumatera Utara dengan ibukotanya Kota MedanProvinsi Sumatera Barat dengan ibukotanya Kota PadangProvinsi Riau dengan ibukotanya Kota Pekan BaruProvinsi Kepulauan Riau dengan ibukotanya Kota Tanjung PinangProvinsi Jambi dengan ibukotanya Kota JambiProvinsi Sumatera Selatan dengan ibukotanya Kota PalembangProvinsi Bangka Belitung dengan ibukotanya Kota Pangkal PinangProvinsi Bengkulu dengan ibukotanya Kota BengkuluProvinsi Lampung dengan ibukotanya Kota Bandar LampungProvinsi DKI Jakarta dengan ibukotanya Kota JakartaProvinsi Jawa Barat dengan ibukotanya Kota BandungProvinsi Banten dengan ibukotanya Kota SerangProvinsi Jawa Tengah dengan ibukotanya Kota SemarangProvinsi Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta dengan ibukotanya Kota YogyakartaProvinsi Jawa Timur dengan ibukotanya Kota SurabayaProvinsi Bali dengan ibukotanya Kota DenpasarProvinsi Nusa Tenggara Barat dengan ibukotanya Kota MataramProvinsi Nusa Tenggara Timur dengan ibukotanya Kota KupangProvinsi Kalimantan Barat dengan ibukotanya Kota PontianakProvinsi Kalimantan Tengah dengan ibukotanya Kota PalangkarayaProvinsi Kalimantan Selatan dengan ibukotanya Kota BanjarmasinProvinsi Kalimantan Timur dengan ibukotanya Kota SamarindaProvinsi Kalimantan Utara dengan ibukotanya Kota Tanjung SelorProvinsi Sulawesi Utara dengan ibukotanya Kota ManadoProvinsi Sulawesi Barat dengan ibukotanya Kota MamujuProvinsi Sulawesi Tengah dengan ibukotanya Kota PaluProvinsi Sulawesi Tenggara dengan ibukotanya Kota KendariProvinsi Sulawesi Selatan dengan ibukotanya Kota MakassarProvinsi Gorontalo dengan ibukotanya Kota GorontaloProvinsi Maluku Ibukotanya Kota AmbonProvinsi Maluku Utara dengan ibukotanya Kota TernateProvinsi Papua Barat dengan ibukotanya Kota Kota ManokwariProvinsi Papua dengan ibukotanya Kota Jayapura
I choose Bali Province in Denpasar City because the city that became the capital of the province of bali is even more famous than indonesia itself.
denpasar is acity visited by many tourists, both local and foreign tourists. denpasar has several factors that pantans take it as the most beautiful city in indonesia. in addition to it's unquestionable natural scenery, especially the beaches, denpasar is also famous for it's highly viscous and unique culture. in addition, the people of denpasar is a friendly community with tourists both domestic tourists and foreign tourists.
4.the united states of america has been used presidential democraay as it's goverment system. meanwhile, the republic of indonesia, starting from 1999, has been used pancasila democracy. pancasila is the ideology of the republic of indonesia which consist of five moral principals functioned as guidance in all aspect of life including poliitical matter.
the democracy practice comparisons betwin the unitied states of America and the republic of Indonesia can be explained based on each characteristic.
A. people trained to maintain the safe, orderly, and expeditious flow of air traffic in the global air traffic control system.
A.an official in charge of a goverment department.
A.members of senate
A.to blindly trust a person or a group of people.
B.a share or a right in the ownership of a property in a commercial of financial undertaking.
Answer 2
Answer 3
1.local goverment, state goverment, federal goverment.
2.task of a mayor and city council members are the laws affect the city and the people who live there.
3.two issues protected by the state department is the health and safety of state citizens
4.-head of state :president
-head of goverment :prime minister
5.ffederal goverment can do 3 thing are can print money, can negotiate with other countries and can declare war on another country.
Answer of group work
1.the arrangement Indonesia goverment:
-central government
-provincial government
-city government
-district government
-village government
2.the number of states owned by the united states as many 50 states. among ather are:
2. Alaska
3. Arizona
4. Arkansas
5. California
6. Colorado
7. Connecticut
8. Delaware
9. Florida
10. Georgia
11. Hawai`i
12. Idaho
13. Illinois
14. Indiana
15. Iowa
16. Kansas
17. Kentucky *
18. Louisiana
19. Maine
20. Maryland
21. Massachusetts *
22. Michigan
23. Minnesota
24. Mississippi
25. Missouri
26. Montana
27. Nebraska
28. Nevada
29. New Hampshire
30. New Jersey
31. New Mexico
32. New York
33. North Carolina (Carolina Utara)
34. North Dakota (Dakota Utara)
35. Ohio
36. Oklahoma
37. Oregon
38. Pennsylvania *
39. Rhode Island
40. South Carolina (Carolina Selatan)
41. South Dakota (Dakota Selatan)
42. Tennessee
43. Texas
44. Utah
45. Vermont
46. Virginia *
47. Washington
48. West Virginia (Virginia Barat)
49. Wisconsin
50. Wyoming
3.the number of province owned by the indonesian with the capital city.
Provinsi Nanggro Aceh Darussalam dengan ibukotanya Kota Banda AcehProvinsi Sumatera Utara dengan ibukotanya Kota MedanProvinsi Sumatera Barat dengan ibukotanya Kota PadangProvinsi Riau dengan ibukotanya Kota Pekan BaruProvinsi Kepulauan Riau dengan ibukotanya Kota Tanjung PinangProvinsi Jambi dengan ibukotanya Kota JambiProvinsi Sumatera Selatan dengan ibukotanya Kota PalembangProvinsi Bangka Belitung dengan ibukotanya Kota Pangkal PinangProvinsi Bengkulu dengan ibukotanya Kota BengkuluProvinsi Lampung dengan ibukotanya Kota Bandar LampungProvinsi DKI Jakarta dengan ibukotanya Kota JakartaProvinsi Jawa Barat dengan ibukotanya Kota BandungProvinsi Banten dengan ibukotanya Kota SerangProvinsi Jawa Tengah dengan ibukotanya Kota SemarangProvinsi Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta dengan ibukotanya Kota YogyakartaProvinsi Jawa Timur dengan ibukotanya Kota SurabayaProvinsi Bali dengan ibukotanya Kota DenpasarProvinsi Nusa Tenggara Barat dengan ibukotanya Kota MataramProvinsi Nusa Tenggara Timur dengan ibukotanya Kota KupangProvinsi Kalimantan Barat dengan ibukotanya Kota PontianakProvinsi Kalimantan Tengah dengan ibukotanya Kota PalangkarayaProvinsi Kalimantan Selatan dengan ibukotanya Kota BanjarmasinProvinsi Kalimantan Timur dengan ibukotanya Kota SamarindaProvinsi Kalimantan Utara dengan ibukotanya Kota Tanjung SelorProvinsi Sulawesi Utara dengan ibukotanya Kota ManadoProvinsi Sulawesi Barat dengan ibukotanya Kota MamujuProvinsi Sulawesi Tengah dengan ibukotanya Kota PaluProvinsi Sulawesi Tenggara dengan ibukotanya Kota KendariProvinsi Sulawesi Selatan dengan ibukotanya Kota MakassarProvinsi Gorontalo dengan ibukotanya Kota GorontaloProvinsi Maluku Ibukotanya Kota AmbonProvinsi Maluku Utara dengan ibukotanya Kota TernateProvinsi Papua Barat dengan ibukotanya Kota Kota ManokwariProvinsi Papua dengan ibukotanya Kota Jayapura
I choose Bali Province in Denpasar City because the city that became the capital of the province of bali is even more famous than indonesia itself.
denpasar is acity visited by many tourists, both local and foreign tourists. denpasar has several factors that pantans take it as the most beautiful city in indonesia. in addition to it's unquestionable natural scenery, especially the beaches, denpasar is also famous for it's highly viscous and unique culture. in addition, the people of denpasar is a friendly community with tourists both domestic tourists and foreign tourists.
4.the united states of america has been used presidential democraay as it's goverment system. meanwhile, the republic of indonesia, starting from 1999, has been used pancasila democracy. pancasila is the ideology of the republic of indonesia which consist of five moral principals functioned as guidance in all aspect of life including poliitical matter.
the democracy practice comparisons betwin the unitied states of America and the republic of Indonesia can be explained based on each characteristic.
Jumat, 13 Oktober 2017
My Name is Cindy Agata,I have a dream.
Back when i was little,my dream was to be a Doctor.
I have other dreams,sometimes i want to be an actress,fashion designer and other interesting dreams.
However I have grown up.Now i know what i want to be.
I want to be a teacher because i want to teach and share knowledge with others and hopefully the next five years i will obtain Bachelor of education and now i will strive for to achieve it.
After i work for 3 or 4 years.I will have a lot of money.Of the money i would buy a house and car.I have a dream house,maybe not just my ilussion of my dream home since chillhood hopefully be in the realization.And my greatest dream is to be able to appease both of my parents.One of my dreams to my parents is i want to bring my parents out of the city for a vacation to Raja Ampat in Papua.I will pursue that dream althought million for steps to achieve it.
for now is the time where I must find the identity and the principle of life that is hard to pass through a long and difficult process."My dream is my life"and I will achieve my dreams with hard work and keep praying to God.And i believe i will can get it. because my god, my parents always together with me , give me support, and keep me spirit.. ^_^
Rabu, 04 Oktober 2017
Reading text(America Education system)
I.Reading Question
II.True or False
III.Provide brief answer
1.An Associate of Arts,Or AA degree is a Two-year undergraduate degree program that is typically offered by a junior,technical,or community colleg,some four-years colleges also offer AA degrees an Associate of Arts(AA) provides student a general liberal arts education that Purpose them for a bachelors degree program at a four years college or university.
-Social science
-The Arts
3.Jurnalism,social science and so forth
4.Bachelor Degree
5.A "university" is a group of schools for studies after secondary school. At least one of these schools is a college where students receive a bachelor's degree. The other schools in a university are"graduate" (also known as "postgraduate") schools where students receive advanced degrees.
IV.Reading Discussion(Grup Work)
1.The indonesian system is based on a 12 year school structured,followed by four years at the undergraduate level and two years at the master is level for student pursuing non vocational studies,prymari schooling begins at the age of six for most children and is compulsary for all.the six years curicullum includes,junior secondary schooling is three years and the bachelor degree requires four to five years of full time study with courses in the student major beginning in the first years.
2.Want to know more about a social science and can reach the target of learning.
3.want to explore the social sciences and because there are more opportunities to work because the social studies program is a new study program and the only one in western kalimantan
4.many things we can do to improve education in Indonesia one of them is to improve the quality of educators and directing each student to focus on their respective fields, so that later will the created of students who are experts in their fields, and can learn from other countries which has a good education system.
II.True or False
III.Provide brief answer
1.An Associate of Arts,Or AA degree is a Two-year undergraduate degree program that is typically offered by a junior,technical,or community colleg,some four-years colleges also offer AA degrees an Associate of Arts(AA) provides student a general liberal arts education that Purpose them for a bachelors degree program at a four years college or university.
-Social science
-The Arts
3.Jurnalism,social science and so forth
4.Bachelor Degree
5.A "university" is a group of schools for studies after secondary school. At least one of these schools is a college where students receive a bachelor's degree. The other schools in a university are"graduate" (also known as "postgraduate") schools where students receive advanced degrees.
IV.Reading Discussion(Grup Work)
1.The indonesian system is based on a 12 year school structured,followed by four years at the undergraduate level and two years at the master is level for student pursuing non vocational studies,prymari schooling begins at the age of six for most children and is compulsary for all.the six years curicullum includes,junior secondary schooling is three years and the bachelor degree requires four to five years of full time study with courses in the student major beginning in the first years.
2.Want to know more about a social science and can reach the target of learning.
3.want to explore the social sciences and because there are more opportunities to work because the social studies program is a new study program and the only one in western kalimantan
4.many things we can do to improve education in Indonesia one of them is to improve the quality of educators and directing each student to focus on their respective fields, so that later will the created of students who are experts in their fields, and can learn from other countries which has a good education system.
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Dialog bahasa ingris (UAS)
Dialog Egi : hai.... may i know you ?... Cindy : with pleasure. Egi : what is your name ?... Cindy : my name is C...

Dialog Egi : hai.... may i know you ?... Cindy : with pleasure. Egi : what is your name ?... Cindy : my name is C...
(Indonesia) mata panda atau dikenal juga dengan sebutan kantung mata yang hitam dan besar pastinya akan membuat penampilan kita terasa kura...