Rabu, 04 Oktober 2017

Reading text(America Education system)

I.Reading Question
II.True or False
III.Provide brief answer
1.An Associate of Arts,Or AA degree is a Two-year undergraduate degree program that is typically offered by a junior,technical,or community colleg,some four-years colleges also offer AA degrees an Associate of Arts(AA) provides student a general liberal arts education that Purpose them for a bachelors degree program at a four years college or university.
   -Social science
   -The Arts
3.Jurnalism,social science and so forth
4.Bachelor Degree
5.A "university" is a group of schools for studies after secondary school. At least one of these schools is a college where students receive a bachelor's degree. The other schools in a university are"graduate" (also known as "postgraduate") schools where students receive advanced degrees.
IV.Reading Discussion(Grup Work)
1.The indonesian system is based on a 12 year school structured,followed by four years at the undergraduate level and two years at the master is level for student pursuing non vocational studies,prymari schooling begins at the age of six for most children and is compulsary for all.the six years curicullum includes,junior secondary schooling is three years and the bachelor degree requires four to five years of full time study with courses in the student major beginning in the first years.
2.Want to know more about a social science and can reach the target of learning.
3.want to explore the social sciences and because there are more opportunities to work because the social studies program is a new study program and the only one in western kalimantan
4.many things we can do to improve education in Indonesia one of them is to improve the quality of educators and directing each student to focus on their respective fields, so that later will the created of students who are experts in their fields, and can learn from other countries which has a good education system.

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